From APMI Term 1 Week 3

During this week, we celebrated the feast of St Scholastica, the twin sister of St Benedict and the foundress of communities of Benedictine women.  The Good Samaritan sisters – founders of Mater Dei school - are part of the Benedictine tradition.
St Scholastica died on 10 February in the year 543AD.
We honour this ‘bright star’ of strength and faithfulness.  Pope Gregory the Great wrote of St Scholastica, “She could do more because she loved more.’
Love fuels.  Fatigue without a physical base is too often a sign of a loss of love.  Take something into your life.  Love will give you new energy in a cold world.

Let us pray to St Scholastica for the grace to love more so we can do more and indeed give new energy to every cold place and situation.
St Scholastica, pray for us all and lead us to God.    Amen.

Congratulations to our Year 6 school leaders who shared their leadership goals with the school community during the Opening Liturgy last Friday.  Today, the Service group led their first Assembly, the Community group were welcomed as Term 1 Library monitors and the Spirituality group prepared to lead the Ash Wednesday and Project Compassion activities this term. 

A reminder about the Parent Information evening this Wednesday 19 Feb at 6pm in the St Theresa’s Parish Centre (corner of Campbell and Curzon Sts) for parents of children in Year 4 who would like to participate in sacramental preparation for Confirmation and First Communion.Children in Year 4 and their families are invited to participate in preparation for the celebration of the sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist.  If you require any further information, please contact Monica Brennan at the Parish Office on phone 46394688 or Kathy Doherty through the school.

Assemblies in Term 1:  21 February, 28 February, 14 March (part of Grandparents Day)

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent – a period when we prepare for the Easter season.  This year, Ash Wednesday is 5 March.  Yr 3 to 6 students will join the Parish Mass at 9am and Prep to Year 2 students will have a liturgy in the St Theresa’s Parish Centre at 10am.  Parents and members of the wider community are very welcome to attend.

•    Confirmation and First Eucharist (Yr 4 students) Parent Information evening – Wednesday 19 February 6pm in the church
•    Ash Wednesday Mass – Year 3 to 6 students    Wednesday 5 March at 9am in the church
•    Ash Wednesday Liturgy – Prep to Year 2 students    Wednesday 5 March at 10am in the church
•    Grandparents Day – Friday 14 March (more information in the coming weeks)
•    Project Compassion activities – Thursday 3 April
•    Holy Week Liturgy – Friday 4 April

Good Samaritan Table

The Good Samaritan Table is a volunteer, anonymous group which runs at Mater Dei.  Each year we provide over 100+ meals to families within our school community, both parents and staff. 

Thank you again to our wonderful volunteer cooks who have provided meals over the years.  If you are happy to remain on our volunteer list, there is no need to contact us, as that will just roll over each year.  If you haven't volunteered previously and would like to be involved, we would love some more volunteers. 

If you are interested, please email our coordinator, Katie Mills

We appreciate your generosity and kindness.  Thank you.

From APMI 2025 Term 1 Week 1

Welcome to a new year of learning at Mater Dei.  2025 has started with much potential for students and staff.  Staff have participated in a week of professional learning to set us all up for a successful year of learning.  We look forward to inducting our new Year 6 student leaders next week and beginning our regular Assembly routines with them.  
Next Saturday 8 February (6pm) and Sunday 9 February (9.30am) at St Theresa’s Parish Church, staff will gather to commit themselves to the Mater Dei / St Theresa’s community for the 2025 school year. As always, families are very welcome to join us.  

Loving God, you call us to be disciples:  to be instruments of your healing, reaching out to your children; to be instruments of your hope, helping to make learning more effective; to be instruments of your harmony, bringing understanding where there is confusion.  Gracious God, flow through us in the year ahead and help us bring peace to our beautiful, yet broken, world.  Amen.

OUR 2025 THEME – ‘My Head, My Hands, My Heart’
This year, our school theme is ‘My Head, My Hands, My Heart’.  During the professional learning days, teachers have reflected on what this theme might look like for the community during 2025.  This theme calls us to action – how can we put our faith into the service of our wider community.  

Next Friday 7 February at 11.15am, we will have our first whole school liturgy to welcome in the new year.  During this ceremony, Year 6 students will receive their leadership shirts and badges and will set their leadership goals in front of the whole school community.  Parents and members of the wider community are very welcome to join us in the William Morris Center (the hall).

Children in Year 4 and their families are invited to participate in preparation for the celebration of the sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist.  St Theresa’s Parish will send home information including enrolment forms in the coming weeks.  The program begins with a Parent Information evening on Wednesday 19 February at 6pm in St Theresa’s Parish Centre on the corner of Campbell and Curzon Sts.  If you require any further information, please contact Monica Brennan at the Parish Office on phone 46394688 or Kathy Doherty through the school.

This term we will have school assemblies in the hall (the William Morris Centre – WMC) on the following Fridays beginning at 11.15am.  Parents and members of the community are warmly invited to join us.  During these awards, each class teacher presents a learning award to one student.  Parents of students in Prep will be notified prior to assembly if their child is receiving an award in case they would like to join us.  We will only be notifying Prep parents because it is their first experience of receiving a class award.
Assemblies in Term 1:  14 February, 21 February, 28 February, 14 March (part of Grandparents Day)

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent – a period when we prepare for the Easter season.  This year, Ash Wednesday is 5 March.  Yr 3 to 6 students will join the Parish Mass at 9am and Prep to Year 2 students will have a liturgy in the St Theresa’s Parish Centre at 10am.  Parents and members of the wider community are very welcome to attend.

•    Opening Liturgy and Year 6 leadership ceremony    Friday 7 Feb at 11.15am in the WMC
•    Assembly     Friday 14 Feb at 11.15am in the WMC
•    Confirmation and First Eucharist (Yr 4 students) Parent Information evening – Wednesday 19 February 6pm in the church
•    Ash Wednesday Mass – Year 3 to 6 students - Wednesday 5 March at 9am in the church
•    Ash Wednesday Liturgy – Prep to Year 2 students - Wednesday 5 March at 10am in the church
•    Grandparents Day – Friday 14 March (more information in the coming weeks)
•    Project Compassion activities – Thursday 3 April
•    Holy Week Liturgy – Friday 4 April

From APMI Term 4 Week 9

As we approach the end of another wonderful year, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to every member of the wide Mater Dei community. In our busy lives and complex world, your support and involvement have been invaluable. Whether it’s helping with school events, assisting with homework, or simply being there for your children, your contributions make a significant difference.

We deeply appreciate your help and dedication. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, and we are truly grateful for the strong partnership we share. As we look forward to 2025, we are excited about the opportunities and experiences that lie ahead for our students and school community.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a relaxing holiday season. May this time be filled with joy, peace, and rejuvenation. We look forward to welcoming everyone back in the new year, refreshed and ready for another fantastic year of learning and growth at Mater Dei.

PRAYER       We farewell staff leaving Mater at the end of the 2025 school year

Let us pray to God in thanksgiving for our friends on the Mater Dei staff who are leaving to pursue new adventures:  Mrs Jane Batham, Miss Phebe Slager, Mrs Leigh Lucht, Ms Annika Gourley, and Mrs Libby Duggan. 

Over the years, you have given and continue to give your service, your time, your gifts, your experience and your love to your profession.

We thank you for your service at Mater Dei.  You have shown us that performance speaks louder than words, commitment is the greatest offering and wisdom exceeds material gain.

We thank you for your time at Mater Dei.  You have shown us that time is better spent getting to know the good in people than getting to know their failings, and time is endless between friends.

We thank you for your gifts you have shared at Mater Dei.  You have shown us that everyone has something special to offer, and all gifts offered freely are valuable.

We thank you for your experience you have given and gained at Mater Dei.  You have shown us that there is knowledge beyond the classroom, intelligence beyond school classes, and wisdom beyond textbooks.

Thank you for sharing your love at Mater Dei.  You have shown us that you have something truly unique to share, and that only through your love could you share this with the world and with those around you.  

You have shared you and the Mater Dei school community has been truly blessed.

Vinnies Christmas Appeal

As we head into the Christmas period, many families struggle to make ends meet, let alone provide a celebration for their family for Christmas day.  As a school, we help out the St Theresa’s Parish St Vincent de Paul group in their preparation of hampers to share with local families who are needing a hand up.  The Vinnies group are very grateful for any donations of vouchers for any shops e.g. Woolies, Coles, Big W, K-Mart, that are added to hampers to help families to be able to buy Christmas food and presents.  Any donation you are able to make as a family is greatly appreciated by Vinnies, but more importantly by the families that receive them.  Hampers will be distributed locally in mid-December.  Vouchers will be gratefully received in any classroom or to the front office.  We will hand over our donations to Sr Robyn Brady from Vinnies at our final school Mass on Friday 6 December at 11.30am.

Year 6 Graduation

We will celebrate the Mater Dei journey of our 2024 Year 6 students at a Graduation ceremony on Thursday 5 December at 1.30pm in St Theresa’s Parish Centre.  Siblings of graduating students will be attending.  We will not be allotting seating in the church and numbers for families are unlimited.  

On the final day of Term 3, Year 2 led the school in a fundraiser – ‘Trash Ya Hair for Hospice Care’ – which raised money for the Toowoomba Hospice who care for people in their final days of life.  We have been very pleased to handover $618.85 to the Toowoomba Hospice.  Whilst we were unable to coordinate a visit from them to receive the money at a school assembly, the Toowoomba Hospice staff would like to pass on their great appreciation for the generosity of Mater Dei families.  Thank you very much.


Below is a copy of the first edition of the St Theresa’s publication ‘The Campbell St Catholic Corner’ for your perusal.


•    Carols on the Oval – Tuesday 3 December
•    Year 6 Graduation – Thursday 5 December 1.30pm in St Theresa’s Parish Centre
•   Final school Mass – Prep to Year 5 – Friday 6 December 11.30am (children are welcome to go home after Mass, approximately 12.30pm)

From APMI Term 4 Week 7

During the month of November, we remember the people in our lives who have shared themselves with us and our families, and who have passed away.  We remember the joy that they brought to our lives and the grief that their passing leaves us with.  May they rest in peace.

PRAYER       For those who have died… 
We belong in your love, our home is in you.
With you we discover an end to loneliness and sorrow, an end to discord and ugliness, an end to selfishness and pride, an end to deception and fear.
Comfort us with fond memories and help us to forgive any quarrels.
Comfort us with the knowledge that our loved ones are in peace.
Comfort us with the knowledge that eternal rest is theirs.
God of comfort, God of peace, God of love,
We bring to our hearts and minds our loved ones who are at rest in You.  May we remain strengthened by their legacy of love so that we can continue to live our lives, engulfed in Your love.  Through Christ our Lord,

As we head into the summer holidays in a couple of weeks, we also begin our planning for Christmas celebrations.  We remember the people in our community who are doing it tough and need a hand up to help them celebrate with their families.  Our St Theresa’s St Vincent de Paul group do a magnificent job supplying Christmas hampers to many needy families in our community and once again, we are calling on the generosity of Mater Dei families.  St Vinnies are asking for donations of gift cards (Woolworths, Coles, Myers…) that can be given to families to shop themselves for their families.  If you are able to donate, we are very appreciative.  Cards can be left with your class teachers or at the front office.  

On the 11th day of the 11th month, the whole school gathered to commemorate the end of World War 1 - remembering all those people who gave their lives so that we might enjoy the freedom that we do now.  Year 3 led us in a moving liturgy that included a cross (very ably built by Mr Ball) to which each child had attached a red ribbon in memory of their own loved ones who had passed away.  All classes visited the cross throughout the week following our All Saints day prayer for each person in the Mater Dei community to add a red ribbon to our cross remembering people in their lives who have died.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.  Lest we forget.

During our final Assembly for 2024 on Friday 22 November, we will hold our Light of Leadership ceremony which hands student leadership from the 2024 Year 6 students to our new student leaders – the 2025 Year 6 students.  Parents are very welcome to join us for this special ceremony. 

On Friday 1 November, Bishop Ken Howell visited Mater Dei.  He visited a couple of classrooms and spoke with us at assembly.  Unfortunately, Bishop Ken had to leave to catch a plane so has promised to spend time us again in 2025 to visit all of the classrooms.  Thank you for joining us for All Saints Day Bishop Ken.

•    Final Assembly for 2024 Friday 22 November  (Prep providing prayer) including:
     -    Light of Leadership Ceremony (Year 5 and 6 students)
     -    Reid Capp Award
     -    Instrumental Music awards
•    Excellence Awards – Friday 29 November
•    Carols on the Oval – Tuesday 3 December
•    Year 6 Graduation – Thursday 5 December 1.30pm in St Theresa’s Parish Centre
•    Final school Mass – Prep to Year 5 – Friday 6 December 11.30am

From APRE Term 4 Week 5


Let us choose peace

At this moment in history, with wars raging in numerous places across the globe and with democracy being tested in others, we take the opportunity in the lead-up to Remembrance Day to celebrate the opportunities we have to choose peace.  At the Last Supper, Jesus gave us the gift of peace.  In today’s times, we need to remember that, no matter what language we speak, the language of love and peace is universal.  God gives us the responsibility of being people of peace in this wounded world.  We can do this by trusting in God, listening to God and walking with God.  Let us all choose peace.

Remembrance Day Liturgy

On Monday 11 November at 10am, our Remembrance Day liturgy, led by Year 3 students, will take place under the jacaranda tree in the stop-drop-go area.  Parents and members of the community are very welcome to join us.  In the lead-up to the ceremony, all students and staff members will be offered a moment of reflection by tying a red ribbon to a large cross.  This cross will be central to our Remembrance Day liturgy.

And we pray:

Let us together make the choice for peace:

  • So that together we can decide to cease hostilities among the nations. Let us be the generation to end all wars.
  • So that instead of seeing pain, strife and woe, we see hands of friendship extended to build new bridges between nations. Let us strive for love and respect.
  • So that the poor, the sad, and the lonely are not marginalized, but feel welcomed and share in the richness of our world’s bounty. Let us feed the hungry, clothe the naked and befriend the lonely.
  • So that all will realize that there is only good to be gained. The abandoned will be welcomed with open arms.  There will be no enemies, only loved ones, brothers and sisters in Christ.  Let us open our hearts to love one another.

Let us together make the choice for peace.



Bishop Ken visited Mater Dei today for All Saints Day.  He visited some classrooms and has promised to come back for a full visit to see every class.  Bishop Ken spoke with us at Assembly but had to leave to fly to Sydney for the Australian Bishops’ Conference.  Regan enjoyed wearing Bishop Ken’s mitre when he was visiting Yr 3 Azalea.


Congratulations to our merit, credit and distinction achievers from the recent ICAS testing in English and Maths.  Certificates were distributed at Assembly today.  All children with participation certificates will have received them from their class teacher today.


  • Assemblies for Term 4
    • Friday 8 November (Yr 1 providing prayer)
    • Friday 15 November (Year 5 providing prayer)
    • Friday 22 November – Final Assembly for 2024 (Prep providing prayer)
      • Light of Leadership Ceremony (Year 5 and 6 students)
      • Instrumental Music awards
      • Reid Capp Award
    • Excellence Awards – Friday 29 November
    • Carols on the Oval – Tuesday 3 December
    • Year 6 Graduation – Thursday 5 December 1.30pm in St Theresa’s Parish Centre
    • Final school Mass – Prep to Year 5 – Friday 6 December at 11.30am in the WMC

From APRE Term 4 Week 3

PRAYER       A Prayer for our teachers on World Teachers Day

Next Friday 25 October we celebrate all our wonderful teachers on World Teachers Day.  Let’s celebrate our teachers and thank them for all the work they do to educate, inspire and empower all of the Mater Dei learners.  Hats off to our teachers!  

And we pray:

Almighty God, we give thanks for all our teachers. Thank you for the way in which they give of themselves each day in the classroom, serving and instructing the next generation of this land. We thank you for them all now.

God, please fill their hearts with courage.

Fill them with your strength, so they may rise to every challenge and not grow weary.

Fill them with your wisdom, so that they may be able to make good judgements when guiding and helping others.

Fill them with your peace, so that when stress and anxiety comes, they will not be overwhelmed.

Fill them with your joy, so that the passion they have for their teaching may become an infectious passion that spreads across all their learners.

We ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Congratulations to this group of students who all received awards at Assembly for their excellence in Art during this term.


Congratulations to Benji Blinco, Henry Metzroth, Thomas Montgomery and Alfie Scotney who won the ‘All Rookie Outstanding Achievement’ at the recent Toowoomba Teams Chess Championship in Week 8 of last term.


On Friday 1 November, we welcome Bishop Ken to Mater Dei.  He will visit classrooms in the morning, enjoy morning tea with staff and then join the whole school for our Assembly at 11.15am.  As always, parents are warmly invited to join us for assembly.  We look forward to sharing Mater Dei with Bishop Ken.


This year, we will have a focus on Student Protection and Safety during Week 5 of this term, from 28 October to 1 November.  This will culminate in a ‘Day for Daniel’ on Friday 1 November where we ask students to wear red as a reminder of Daniel Morcombe’s life and his family’s message to all children.  We will not be collecting money on this day – it is an awareness day rather than a fundraiser.  Please note, we are a week later than the actual ‘Day for Daniel’ because of our musical in Week 4. 


  • Assemblies for Term 4 (back to 11.15am start):
    • Friday 1 November – Bishop visiting (Year 4 providing prayer)
    • Friday 8 November (Yr 1 providing prayer)
    • Friday 15 November (Year 5 providing prayer)
    • Friday 22 November – Final Assembly for 2024 (Prep providing prayer)
      • Light of Leadership Ceremony (Year 5 and 6 students)
      • Reid Capp Award
    • Day for Daniel – Friday 1 November
    • Excellence Awards – Friday 29 November
    • Carols on the Oval – Tuesday 3 December
    • Year 6 Graduation – Thursday 5 December 1.30pm in St Theresa’s Parish Centre
    • Final school Mass – Prep to Year 5 – Friday 6 December 11.30am

From APRE Term 4 Week 1

PRAYER       A Prayer for Peace

Friday 4 October marks the end of the church’s Season of Creation with the feast day of St Francis of Assisi.  St Francis was born into a very wealthy family but he chose to give it all up to focus on living a simple, quiet life aligning himself with caring for creation – people, animals, plants, the air, the land, the water.  One of his legacies in his prayer for peace which has been interpreted in many ways since it was written.  If you have a moment to breathe, this song from Sarah McLachlan is beautifully moving.  Sarah McLachlan - Prayer of St. Francis (

Our world continues to be in flux with tragedy in many countries.  We remember especially the people of Palestine, Lebanon and Israel.  May we move forward as a community striving for peace and may you move into your next week enfolded in peace. 

We pray:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

Where there is injury, pardon;

Where there is doubt, faith;

Where there is despair, hope;

Where there is darkness, light;

Where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console,

To be understood as to understand,

To be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


On Friday 1 November, we welcome Bishop Ken to Mater Dei.  He will visit classrooms in the morning, enjoy morning tea with staff and then join the whole school for our Assembly at 11.15am.  As always, parents are warmly invited to join us for assembly.  We look forward to sharing Mater Dei with Bishop Ken.


This year, we will have a focus on Student Protection and Safety during Week 5 of this term, from 28 October to 1 November.  This will culminate in a ‘Day for Daniel’ on Friday 1 November where we ask students to wear red as a reminder of Daniel Morcombe’s life and his family’s message to all children.  We will not be collecting money on this day – it is an awareness day rather than a fundraiser.  Please note, we are a week later than the actual ‘Day for Daniel’ because of our musical in Week 4. 


On Thursday 12 September, a group of Year 5 students represented Mater Dei at the Battle of Meewah commemoration ceremony at Picnic Point.  This term, Year 5 students are focusing on how the Toowoomba area was established as a city and these students will help to provide the First Nations perspective in this learning.  It was a moving ceremony led by local First Nations people and supported by the Toowoomba City Council and many local schools.  This event has grown out of a request from Middle Ridge State School Year 4 students in 2004 to learn more about the local First Nations history.  There are now a number of publications available including a children’s picture book telling the story of Multuggerah’s fight to preserve his community’s home.


Thank you to all the families who joined in the spirit and also donated generously to ‘Trash Ya Hair for Hospice Care’ on the last day of last term.  This term, we will invite a representative from the Toowoomba Hospice to join our Assembly to make a presentation to them from our community.


St Theresa’s Parish and Mater Dei School are joining forces to publish a quarterly publication called ‘Campbell St Catholic Corner’.  This will be available both digitally and in hard copy through the school and parish websites, at all church events and through our regular communication channels at Mater Dei. 

We are calling for any businesses who would like to advertise in this publication.  Cost is $200 for the front or back and $150 for the inside pages.  This includes both sides of a business card.  This is an ideal opportunity for local businesses to reach local residents.  If you are interested, please contact David Wilson by email on or by phone 0451131849. 


Elizabeth Stewart runs the Parish choir and would like to invite Mater Dei students to be part of it.  The choir sings at St Theresa’s Parish Centre during Mass on the first Sunday of the month at the 9.30am Mass.  All children are welcome to join.  Children would be asked to arrive at 9.15am to run through music and Mass would be finished by 10.30am.  If you are interested, please contact Elizabeth Stewart by phone 4639 4688, contact the Parish Office or have a chat to Ms Doherty. 


  • Assemblies for Term 4 (back to 11.15am start):
    • Friday 11 October (Year 3 providing prayer)
    • Friday 1 November – Bishop visiting (Year 4 providing prayer)
    • Friday 8 November (Yr 1 providing prayer)
    • Friday 15 November (Year 5 providing prayer)
    • Friday 22 November – Final Assembly for 2024 (Prep providing prayer)
      • Light of Leadership Ceremony (Year 5 and 6 students)
      • Reid Capp Award
  • Year 5 and 6 School Musical ‘Kids in Space’ - Thursday 24 October 6.30pm
  • Day for Daniel – Friday 1 November
  • Excellence Awards – Friday 29 November
  • Carols on the Oval – Tuesday 3 December
  • Year 6 Graduation – Thursday 5 December 1.30pm in St Theresa’s Parish Centre
  • Final school Mass – Prep to Year 5 – Friday 6 December 11.30am

From APRE Term 3 Week 9

PRAYER    Thank you for Term 3

As we head towards the end of the third quarter of the 2024 school year, we pause to show our gratitude for all this term has offered us.  We celebrate the learning, the moments of growth and the challenges that have been presented to us.  The warmer weather over the last couple of weeks gives us a sense of hope for the final term: hope that the holidays bring a time of rejuvenation and relaxation; hope that the plaguing flu season is behind us; hope for the joy that the Carnival of Flowers brings to Toowoomba; and hope for a peaceful and rewarding completion to the school year.

We wish all our families a lovely break and may we all return with plenty of energy for our final busy term of 2024.

We pray:

God of all seasons, you give us new life every spring.  We wake up and hear birds singing, smell fragrant blossoms, see tiny buds coming forth on the trees, watch small animals scampering about, and feel the warmth of the sun and the gentle spring rains.  May we come to know you better through this new life. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ.  Amen


Next Friday 13 September, the last day of this term, Year 2 are coordinating a ‘Trash your hair for hospice care’ fundraiser.  Children are invited to ‘trash their hair’ by wearing a crazy hair style, a wig or using temporary hair colour for the day.  It will also be a free-dress day. We are then asking for a gold coin donation which will be donated to the Toowoomba Hospice. Toowoomba Hospice is a community based privately funded healthcare facility that offers free palliative care for terminally ill people.  At an assembly in Term 4, we will invite a representative from Toowoomba Hospice to accept our donations. 


St Theresa’s Parish and Mater Dei School are joining forces to publish a quarterly publication called ‘Campbell St Catholic Corner’.  This will be available both digitally and in hard copy through the school and parish websites, at all church events and through our regular communication channels at Mater Dei. 

We are calling for any businesses who would like to advertise in this publication.  Cost is $200 for the front or back and $150 for the inside pages.  This includes both sides of a business card.  This is an ideal opportunity for local businesses to reach local residents.  If you are interested, please contact David Wilson by email on or by phone 0451131849. 


Elizabeth Stewart runs the Parish choir and would like to invite Mater Dei students to be part of it.  The choir sings at St Theresa’s Parish Centre during Mass on the first Sunday of the month at the 9.30am Mass.  All children are welcome to join.  Children would be asked to arrive at 9.15am to run through music and Mass would be finished by 10.30am.  If you are interested, please contact Elizabeth Stewart by phone 4639 4688, contact the Parish Office or have a chat to Ms Doherty. 


  • Friday 13 September – Trash Your Hair for Hospice Care fundraiser
  • Friday 13 September – Final Assembly for Term 3 – prayer led by Year 1

From APRE Term 3 Week 7

Celebrating Creation

As the weather begins to thaw and 1 September approaches, we start to see peach blossoms on the streets of Toowoomba – and we know the Carnival of Flowers is on our doorstep.  Christian churches also celebrate the Season of Creation from 1 September until 4 October – an opportunity to focus on our collective duty towards and environment and the urgent need to foster hope in the face of ecological challenges.

In his letter to the Romans, St Paul pictured the earth as a mother, groaning in childbirth, later echoed by St Francis of Assisi when he referred to the Earth as our sister and mother in his Canticle of Creatures.  Yet, in more modern times, our relationship to the earth is of subjection and exploitation, rather than nurturing and respect.

Yet, there is always hope and the expectation for a better future.  T hope does not mean to stand still and quiet, but rather groaning, crying and actively striving for new life in the middle of the struggles.  And it is from these struggles that new life springs forth.

As stewards of this planet, the call to hope is a beacon guiding us towards a future of sustainability, balance and harmony with nature.  It invites us to dream a world where the beauty of creation is preserved for generations to come, where ecosystems flourish, and where every living being finds its place in the delicate web of life.

Our Year 2 students have been exploring how they can be stewards of creation within their Religion learning this term.  Mrs McIntyre shared some of her students’ prayers as part of our staff meeting last week.    I’m including them here.  Their words give us hope and joy in their simplicity.

We pray:


We congratulate the Year 3 students who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on Wednesday 21 August.


We are eagerly looking forward to celebrating our Dads on Fathers Day.  In the lead-up to Fathers Day, we will have a Fathers Day breakfast and liturgy from 7.45am on Wednesday 28 August (the liturgy will begin at 8.45am and finish by 9.30am).  All our dads are warmly invited to attend.    As part of the Liturgy, we will have a photo display.  If you would like the dad in your family to be included, could you please send a photo to Kathy Doherty at by Tuesday 27 August at 3pm.

On Monday 26 August between 8.30 and 10.30am, under the generous guidance of Hailey Duffin, we will have our Fathers Day stall.  All children from Prep to Year 6 will have the opportunity to go shopping.  Items from $2 to $10 will be available. 


Mater Dei means ‘Mother of God’ in Latin and so our feast day is Mary’s birthday which is 8 September.  Because this is a Sunday this year, we will celebrate Mary on Friday 6 September with a whole school Mass in the William Morris Centre at 9.30am.  All families are very welcome to join us.  Fr Brian will be saying Mass.


Bishop Ken has re-scheduled his visit to Mater Dei for Friday 1 November.  He will visit classrooms in the morning, join staff for morning tea and then attend our Assembly at 11.15am.  Parents are, as always, very welcome to join us for assembly. 


The person who takes responsibility for Religious Education and the Religious life of the school has been the Assistant Principal Religious Education, or APRE for many years.  After wide consultation and in order to provide further clarity to the name, the Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office has decided that the name will change to Assistant Principal – Mission and Identity (APM&I).


Elizabeth Stewart runs the Parish choir and would like to invite Mater Dei students to be part of it.  The choir sings at St Theresa’s Parish Centre during Mass on the first Sunday of the month at the 9.30am Mass.  All children are welcome to join.  Children would be asked to arrive at 9.15am to run through music and Mass would be finished by 10.30am.  If you are interested, please contact Elizabeth Stewart by phone 4639 4688, contact the Parish Office or have a chat to Ms Doherty. 

On Friday 13 September, the last day of this term, Year 2 are coordinating a ‘Trash your hair for hospice care’ fundraiser.  Children are invited to ‘trash their hair’ by wearing a crazy hair style, a wig or using temporary hair colour for the day.  It will also be a free-dress day. We are then asking for a gold coin donation which will be donated to the Toowoomba Hospice. Toowoomba Hospice is a community based privately funded healthcare facility that offers free palliative care for terminally ill people.  At an assembly in Term 4, we will invite a representative from Toowoomba Hospice to accept our donations. 


  • Fathers Day BBQ and Liturgy – Wednesday 28 August from 7.45 to 9.30am
  • Friday 6 September – Mater Dei Feast Day – Mass at 9.30am in the school hall
  • Friday 13 September – Trash Your Hair for Hospice Care fundraiser

From APRE Term 3 Week 5


This week we celebrate the feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, the first Australian saint.  She developed a strong trust in God to provide all that she needed to respond to the plight of the poor.  Whenever she met with opposition, even from within the Church she loved, she found her strength in God.  She knew that God’s love and care could overcome the difficulties of human politics.  Mary found her deep peace in God.

Earlier this week, our Year 6 Spirituality group put action into their learning in supporting the Winter Shelter program at St Theresa’s Church.  They organized the church, set up and made all the beds and left a care package and a kind note for each of the nine guests that spent Monday night with us.  Their enthusiasm to help and the good nature with which they interacted with some of the older parishioners also setting up was a credit to their families and themselves.  This is what St Mary of the Cross asks of us – to not see a need without doing something about it.  Well done to our Year 6 leaders.  That completes our Winter Shelter volunteering for this year, but the success of the students’ participation means that we will continue with our involvement in 2025.


May God bless my mind so that I may think of others.

May God bless my eyes so that I may see the needs of others.

May God bless my ears so that I may hear the cries of those in need.

May God bless my mouth so that I may speak words of encouragement and support.

May God bless my hands so that I may do good deeds that will help others.

May God bless my heart so that I may feel love and compassion for those in need.

May God bless my feet so that I may be a person of action willing to go out of my way to help others.

Loving God, we thank you for your unending love.  May we be filled with your Spirit and, like St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, may we welcome those who feel unloved, uncared for and unaccepted.  Help us to reach out to others who need our help and support.  We ask this prayer in Jesus’ name, Amen.


Over the last couple of weeks, a number of Year 3 students have been preparing to celebrate their First Reconciliation on Wednesday 21 August.  We keep these children and their families in our prayers. 


We are eagerly looking forward to celebrating our Dads on Fathers Day.  In the lead-up to Fathers Day, we will have a Fathers Day breakfast and liturgy from 7.45am on Wednesday 28 August (the liturgy will begin at 8.45am and finish by 9.30am).  All our dads are warmly invited to attend.    As part of the Liturgy, we will have a photo display.  If you would like the dad in your family to be included, could you please send a photo to Kathy Doherty at by Tuesday 27 August at 3pm.

On Monday 26 August, under the generous guidance of Hailey Kath, we will have our Fathers Day stall.  All children from Prep to Year 6 will have the opportunity to go shopping.  Items cost from $2 to $10. 


Bishop Ken was unable to visit us last Friday because his mother passed away in Brisbane.  We offer our thoughts and prayers to Bishop Ken on the loss of his mother and we will let you know when his visit is rescheduled. 


During last week, our community celebrated NAIDOC with a variety of activities.  Children in Prep to Year 3 participated in First Nations games, students in Year 4 to 6 took part in the Cobb and Co presentation ‘Take another look Captain Cook’, and staff worked with the First Nations Education Officer from Toowoomba Catholic School, Ms Tawana Carmody to assist us in making curriculum connections to First Nations groups in our local area.   The week culminated in a liturgy on Friday morning which our Year 4 students led under the theme ‘Keep the fire burning – Blak, Loud and Proud’.


  • Sacrament of First Reconciliation – Wednesday 21 August 6pm in St Theresa’s Church
  • Fathers Day BBQ and Liturgy – Wednesday 28 August from 7.45 to 9.30am
  • Friday 30 August – Pupil-free day
  • Friday 30 August – Instrumental Music Gala Evening
  • Friday 6 September – Mater Dei Feast Day – Mass at 9.30am in the school hall
  • Friday 13 September – Trash Your Hair for Hospice Care fundraiser

From APRE Term 3 Week 3


This week is Catholic Education Week and we give thanks for the gift that is 179 years of Catholic Education in Queensland.  We are grateful for all those – past, present and future – who value and appreciate the communities of faith, hope and love that are Catholic schools.

Mater Dei is one of 32 Catholic schools in our Diocese that provides:

  • a faith-based education which places the values of Jesus at its centre,
  • a high quality, holistic education, educating students to be well-informed, highly skilled and constructive members of the community,
  • an appreciation of diversity, treating each student with dignity and enabling them in turn to promote and respect the dignity of all,
  • an environment that nurtures in students a commitment to social justice and a critical social consciousness
  • preparation for students for global responsibilities through stewardship of the earth’s resources,
  • connection as a member of the local and universal Church,
  • a welcoming, inclusive and connected community.


As part of our Catholic Week celebrations, we proudly acknowledged 2 of our teachers who were celebrated  for their significant contribution to Catholic schools in our Diocese.  Mrs Jackie Cash (on the left), our Learning Support teacher, is celebrating 40 years working within Catholic schools in Toowoomba.  Mrs Karen McIntyre (on the right), one of our Year 2 teachers, is celebrating 20 years working within Catholic schools in our Diocese.  Congratulations Jackie and Karen.  We are very pleased that you choose to work with the Mater Dei community.


During this week, all students at Mater Dei reflected on their learning at Mater Dei and wrote or drew on a heart.  Make sure you have a look around the school for a number of these displays of hearts.


God of all growth, we ask you to bless all students in Catholic schools in Queensland as we celebrate Catholic Education Week.  May our students remain constantly curious in their pursuit of knowledge and truth. 

Just as you breathe life into your Church as you call us to deeper holiness, may You inspire us with zeal to make You known, loved and served within our school.

We give you our school, Mater Dei.  We give you all the teachers and staff who work here.  We give you all the children who learn here.  We pray our school will always be a place of great discovery, adventure and creativity.  May Mater Dei be a place where we love to learn and where we learn to love, a place where everyone is respected, and all are deeply valued.

And may all of our learning ultimately draw us closer to Your Son, Christ the Teacher.  We make this prayer in Your Holy Name, Amen.


Our Parish Family Mass for Term 3 will be held this Sunday 28 July at the 9.30am Mass at St Theresa’s church.  All families are very warmly invited to join us. 


The Bishop of Toowoomba, Bishop Ken Howell, will visit Mater Dei on Friday 2 August.  We will begin Bishop Ken’s visit with Assembly which will include our NAIDOC Liturgy led by Year 4 at 8.45am in the school hall.  Bishop Ken will then visit classes and join us for morning tea before leaving at 12noon.  All members of our community are very welcome to join us for Assembly and the NAIDOC Liturgy.


  • Bishop’s Inservice Pupil-Free day – Friday 26 July
  • NAIDOC Whole School Liturgy and Assembly – Friday 2 August at 8.45am in the WMC
  • Mater Dei Trivia Night – Friday 2 August in the school hall
  • Sacrament of First Reconciliation – Wednesday 21 August 6pm in St Theresa’s Church
  • Fathers Day BBQ and Liturgy – Wednesday 28 August from 7.45 to 9.30am
  • Friday 30 August – Pupil-free day
  • Friday 30 August – Instrumental Music Gala Evening
  • Friday 6 September – Mater Dei Feast Day – Mass at 9.30am in the school hall
  • Friday 13 September – Trash Your Hair for Hospice Care fundraiser

From APRE Term 3 Week 1


This week, Australia celebrates NAIDOC Week.  As a school, we are participating in NAIDOC activities in the week beginning Monday 29 July.  Prep to Year 3 students will participate in First Nations games at school on Tuesday 30 July.  Staff will work with Ms Tawana Carmody, the Toowoomba Catholic Schools First Nations Education Officer at our regular Tuesday afternoon meeting on 30 July.  Year 4 to 6 students will visit Cobb and Co on Wednesday or Thursday to participate in the ‘Have another look Captain Cook’ First Nations activities.  Our week will culminate in a liturgy during assembly on Friday 2 August at 8.45am which will be led by our Year 4 students.   

The theme for NAIDOC 2024 is ‘Keep the Fire Burning!  Blak, Loud and Proud’. 

Many a campfire lights up the dark sky and warms the hearts that gather around it to tell the stories, to dance and to build and strengthen community.  Just like we read a book, our First Nations people can read the land to determine which areas need fire management.  They prepare a burn by looking at the different ecosystems, patches, fuel loads, grasses, soil type, and the kinds of ashes a fire will leave behind.  The fires that are lit with purpose on Country ensure that vegetation is controlled, renewed and always flourishing.

In smoking ceremonies, the smoke cleanses and purifies, to signal a new beginning.   During this NAIDOC week, we pause to remember the Indigenous peoples of this place – the Gaibal and Jarawair peoples, members of the Woka Woka Nation.


Creator God, You call us to step lightly together on this land, to reverence Country and sense its sacred aliveness. 

Open our minds and hearts to the values that uniteu us with our Indigenous brothers and sisters.

May the fires of justice burn deeply within us as we work to bring equality and justice for all who call Australia home.  We pray through Jesus in the power of your Spirit, Amen.


Our Parish Family Mass for Term 3 will be held on Sunday 28 July at the 9.30am Mass at St Theresa’s church.  All families are very warmly invited to join us.  If you would like your child to have a job at Mass, could you let Kathy know by Monday 22 July by email or by phone 46376100.


During Term 3, because of Year 5 and 6’s participation in interschool sport, we are adjusting the time of Assembly in Weeks 4 (2 August), 6 (16 August) and 7 (23 August) to 8.45am.  Parents are very welcome to attend and the format will be similar – just at an earlier time.

The other Assemblies this term – Week 1 (12 July), Week 2 (19 July), Week 10 (13 September) – will all be held at the usual time of 11.15am. 


The Bishop of Toowoomba, Bishop Ken Howell, will visit Mater Dei on Friday 2 August.  We will begin Bishop Ken’s visit with Assembly which will include our NAIDOC Liturgy at 8.45am in the school hall.  Bishop Ken will then visit classes and join us for morning tea before leaving at 12noon.  All members of our community are very welcome to join us for Assembly and the NAIDOC Liturgy.


  • NAIDOC Whole School Liturgy and Assembly – Friday 2 August at 8.45am in the WMC

From APRE Term 2 Week 7


Our community has once again begun our involvement in the Winter Shelter program which runs from 1 June until 31 August.   In this program, ten guests who are struggling with houselessness are invited to sleep in a Toowoomba church every day of winter.  Each of the church communities set up beds, provide 3 meals including a takeaway lunch and share dinner with the guests. 

Last Monday, our Year 6 Spirituality group set up the St Theresa’s Parish Centre ready for the guests who came to sleep in the church.  While children under 18 are not permitted to interact with guests for safety reasons, this was a wonderful opportunity for the children to practise servant leadership.  Year 6 students all made welcoming cards to leave on the beds of our guests.  These cards were very well received – with tears shed by 2 of the recipients.  One man said, ‘It’s just good to know that there are still kind people in the world.” 

Next term, staff will help with set up on Monday on Monday 5 August, the Term 3 Year 6 Spirituality group will also have the same opportunity. This is what it means to be a Good Samaritan in our world. 


God of light,

Let your light draw us nearer to you and to our neighbours in all the earth, now and in generations to come –

  • Nearer to your generosity and to all our hungry and homeless neighbours;
  • Nearer to your compassion and to those who are broken in body, mind and spirit;
  • Nearer to your righteous anger and to people who suffer from mental or physical abuse;
  • Nearer to your comfort and to those who sorrow because of death or alienation;
  • Nearer to your all-inclusive love and closer to neighbours who have no faith or hope;
  • Nearer to your peace and to all who are caught in destructive conflicts.

God of light, continue to impregnate this grey and bewildered world with your light, that the glory of your final purpose may find a joyous completion in us; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


On the last day of this term, Friday 21 June, we will be holding a Pyjama Day to raise money and collect blankets for the St Vincent de Paul winter appeal.  Our Year 6 Spirituality group will be coordinating the day.  Children are invited to wear their pyjamas on the day and to bring a blanket as a donation.  We will also have a movie afternoon across the school.  Children in Year 4 to 6 will be able to purchase a hot chocolate for $3.  Please bring along a keep cup to get your hot chocolate (we look after the environment too!). Chips will be sold to children from Prep to Year 6 at a cost of $2. 


Mater Dei features on page 19 of the Horizons magazine.  Make sure to have a look when the magazine comes home with your child. 


Thank you so much to our generous Mater Dei families – yet again.  We raised almost $1000 for the St Vinnies Winter Appeal last week.  That’s a lot of donuts – and the right team got up too!


  • Final Term 2 Assembly – Friday 21 June (Week 10) at 11.15am in the WMC
  • NAIDOC Whole School Liturgy – Tuesday 30 July 1.45pm in the WMC

From APRE Term 2 Week 7

Mary’s Generosity

Our school is named Mater Dei which means Mother of God in Latin.  Feast days honouring Mary are particularly important for us as we honour Mary, after whom our school is named.  This week, the Church celebrates the feast of the Visitation when Mary visited her cousin, Elizabeth.  We reflect on the generosity of Mary, a young woman who has just discovered her pregnancy and who made the perilous journey to visit her much older cousin Elizabeth, also newly pregnant.  Not focusing on her own condition, Mary stayed to help Elizabeth for three months before travelling home.  We admire the generosity of both Mary and Joseph during this time. 

This image shows the joy and wonder that these two women felt.  This meeting between these two women is in fact symbolic of something much bigger:  God meeting God’s own people.


God of Welcome, inspired by Mary’s outgoing spirit, ay we also reach out to others without counting the cost to let them know how valuable and precious they are. 

May the God of Welcome bless us with joy.

May Christ live within us and bring us peace.

May the Holy Spirit cover us with the protective shadow of God’s love.



We are offering 6 packs of donuts coloured according to your State loyalties as a fundraising venture for the Vinnies Winter Appeal.  Donuts are available in a ‘bring home 6 pack’ in either maroon, blue or a mixed pack at a cost of $20.  There is also a gluten-free option which has strawberry sugar instead of icing.  Please order your donuts through Flexischools.  Order close next Monday 3 June at 1pm and children will bring orders home next Wednesday 5 June just in time to share while you watch the first State of Origin.   Go the Maroons!


On the last day of this term, Friday 21 June, we will be holding a Pyjama Day to raise money and collect blankets for the St Vincent de Paul winter appeal.  Our Year 6 Spirituality group will be coordinating the day.  Children are invited to wear their pyjamas on the day and to bring a blanket as a donation.  We will also have a movie afternoon across the school.  Children in Year 4 to 6 will be able to purchase a hot chocolate.  Chips will be sold to children from Prep to Year 6.  More details about this event in the next newsletter.


St Theresa’s is hosting our first Winter Shelter night on Monday 10 June.  Ten guests will arrive at approximately 5pm and will be offered a warm bed, food and hospitality for the night.  Our Year 6 Spirituality group will be setting up the bedding immediately after school on this day.  Whilst children under 18 are not permitted to be meet with the guests for safety reasons, it is a wonderful opportunity for these children to offer very real support to people in our community who are currently houseless. 


Congratulations to the Year 4 children who were confirmed by Bishop Ken Howell on Thursday 30 May.  We pray that these children continue to be open to the Gifts of the Spirit that are promised during this ceremony.  This weekend, they will all celebrate their First Eucharist.  All school families are warmly invited to share in these ceremonies either on Saturday night at 6pm or Sunday morning at 9.30, both at St Theresa’s Parish Centre. 


A very big thank you to all the families and staff who joined the parish for Parish Family Mass on Sunday 18 May.  We had over 50 children participating in Mass and the delight on the parishioners faces (and Fr Brian’s) was wonderful to see.


  • First Eucharist – Saturday 1 June at 6pm or Sunday 2 June at 9.30am at St Theresa’s Parish Centre
  • Term 2 Assemblies – Friday 7 June (Week 8) and Friday 21 June (Week 10) both at 11.15am in the WMC

From APRE Term 2 Week 5

Kindness is Love in Action

Kindness is all the different ways – both big and small – that we express care, concern, and consideration for ourselves and for those with whom we share the world.  Kindness looks like a supportive smile, a comforting embrace, a helping hand when we need it the most – but may expect it the least.

It exists as th0ughtful gestures of affection and compassionate acts of generosity that so many of us see, do and receive as we move through our lives.  In a world filled with struggle and pain, kindness is like a deep cleansing breath that rejuvenates us, refreshes us and gives us the strength to keep persevering despite our challenges.

Our Good Samaritan charism calls us to be kind and our community Samaritan Table is the living embodiment of our charism – and our kindness.  Our community responds to individual members who are struggling.  This anonymous, kind service providing a meal to a family in need, gives all community members the opportunity to give and receive blessings in an act of service.

This week, our Parish community begins preparing to welcome ten guests who are houseless to sleep in the church as part of the Winter Shelter program.  A number of churches join together to ensure that, for the 3 months of winter from 1 June until 31 August, there is a warm bed, a shower and hearty and nutritious food provided every night for ten guests.  This year, our Year 6 leaders are helping to make the beds on Monday 10 June and 5 August immediately after school. 

How fortunate we are to have opportunities to demonstrate kindness directly within our own community.


Loving God, your Son, Jesus, showed us how to be compassionate and loving people.  As faithful followers of Jesus, help us to be willing to do good deeds for others because they are in need, not because it benefits us.

May we be willing to serve others and use our gifts to make this a better world for all.  Let us be beacons of kindness, generosity and hope.  We ask this prayer in Jesus’ name.  Amen.


Our Term 2 Parish Family Mass will be held this Sunday 19 May and all families are warmly invited to attend.  Mass is at 9.30am in St Theresa’s Parish Centre on the corner of Campbell and Curzon Sts.  Everyone is very welcome.


  • Confirmation ceremony – Thursday 30 May at 6pm in St Theres’s Parish Centre
  • First Eucharist Mass – Saturday 1 June (6pm Mass) or Sunday 2 June (9.30am Mass) at St Theresa’s Parish Centre

From APRE Term 2 Week 3


Today we have celebrated our mothers at school.  Next Sunday, the wider community honours all mothers.  Each has her own way of being with her children.  While I honour the beautiful relationship I have with my birth mother, I think of both young and adult children with tenuous or difficult maternal relationships.  Yet, no matter how this relationship is or has been, each mother givers her child the gift of life and the possibility of a worth future.  On this Mothers Day, we honour you all.


1O mothers, one and all, some of you have carried your children in your womb.  Others of you have welcomed babies in need of your attention who came to you from another birth mother.  May the love you’ve poured forth return to you in plenitude.

O mothers, do not live in regret of what you wished you would have done, or what you did do and wished you had not.  As you look back on your mothering, may you remember that you tried to do your best, given the circumstances.

O mothers, those of you for whom much of your life with your children is before you, do not imagine you can do this alone.  Remember it takes a lot of leaning on your community.  May you draw strength daily from those around you.

O mothers, do not forget to care for yourself.  Find what enriches and gladdens your heart.  Be good to your body and spirit.  Remember you are worthy of care and attention.  May you have the vitality it takes to give generously of yourself.

O mothers, you who have gone on to another sphere of life, we welcome our memories of you and remember how much you mean to us.  May the peace you now have flow into the weary and troubled hearts of mothers everywhere.

O mothers, for the countless times your hard work and generous self-giving was never thanked or acknowledged, was rejected or taken for granted, may you know yourself love and appreciated today.

O mothers, we call today on God to draw you to her spacious heart, to replenish what needs revitalization in you.  May you know her comfort, peace, and tender embrace.  May you hear the Divine Mother’s song of love humming in you.  Amen.


Thank you to our Year 1 students who led us in a beautiful Mothers Day liturgy this morning, following our Mothers Day breakfast.  The Mothers Day stall will be held next Wednesday 8 May for Prep to Year 5 students.  Year 6 were able to do their purchasing today after the Mothers Day liturgy.  Gifts up to $10 will be available.    Individual classes are rostered on to visit the stall during the day. A big thank you to Di Longmire for her organization of the Mothers Day stall.


Our Term 2 Parish Family Mass will be held on Sunday 19 May and all families are warmly invited to attend.  If you would like your child/ren to have a part in Mass e.g. reading, bringing up the gifts, could you please RSVP to Kathy at or phone 46376100 by Monday 13 May so that we can have a practice prior to Mass.  If you would just like to be part of the congregation, there is no need to RSVP.    


Last term, we held a Rainbow Day to raise money for our sponsor class – Year 1A – at St Jude’s School in Arusha, Tanzania, Africa.  $670 has been donated to St Jude’s with grateful thanks to everyone at Mater Dei.


We are very pleased to let our community know that $1575.00 has been donated to Caritas as part of Project Compassion following our Caritas Carnival at the end of Term 1.  This is incredibly generous and a sign of the wonderful spirit of the Mater Dei community. 


Last week, our Year 5 students led the school community in a respectful and reverent ANZAC Day liturgy to honour the service of generations of people who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the hope that we can live in peace.  As well as our school commemoration, Jack and Archer, from our Year 6 Community group, represented Mater Dei at the Wreath Laying ceremony on ANZAC Day.  At this time, we remember that peace is an ongoing challenge.  Many people throughout the world live in constant fear in the savages of war.  We pray for those people, those countries who continue to strive for peace and we also pray for our own country, our own communities, our own families – that we too constantly work towards ongoing peace in our lives.


On Thursday 18 April, 4 members of our Year 6 leadership Community team attended the Mayoral Morning Tea at the Highfields Cultural Centre.  The students heard Mayor Geoff MacDonald talk about the importance of knowing what your school and personal values are and using those values when making your life decisions. 

UPCOMING DATES:            

  • Parish Family Mass – Sunday 19 May at 9.30am in St Theresa’s Parish Centre (invitation coming soon to all families)
  • Confirmation ceremony – Thursday 30 May at 6pm in St Theres’s Parish Centre
  • First Eucharist Mass – Saturday 1 June (6pm Mass) or Sunday 2 June (9.30am Mass) at St Theresa’s Parish Centre

From APRE Term 2 Week 1


Throughout our Liturgical year and particularly in this season of Easter, we read and contemplate the accounts of the Resurrection of Jesus. So how does this pivotal event of our Christian faith which occurred historically over 2,000 years ago, continue to give meaning to each of our lives in this early part of the 21st Century? Almost daily we witness, “the extensions of Christ’s body” being crucified through torture, bombing, homelessness, and exploitation, in so many parts of our fragile world. We are particularly saddened this week by the Bondi killings and other attacks in Sydney.  There are many times when watching graphic television reporting on these events, we feel we are gazing into the “heart of darkness”. What is our Christian response to such global pain and darkness? In discerning this, it may help us to recall the words of the poet Gerard Manly Hopkins when, in one of his poems he uses the word, “easter” as a verb – a doing word! This alerts us to the twofold nature of Easter. In remembering and celebrating this pivotal historical event, we open ourselves to the rising of life from death, happening in the heart of our present-day lived experiences. As with the first witnesses to the Resurrection of Jesus, we are invited to allow ourselves to be surprised by the touches of the Risen Jesus within our human experiences. It is good to remember that the first Easter was experienced in the ordinary events of one’s life; having a meal, walking along a beach, being in the garden, even in the workplace of fishing! Furthermore, it is obvious that the Risen Lord transcends human boundaries imposed by space and time. The Easter narrative is our human/divine story. We are called to live it every day as we radiate light flowing from the gift of grace in both the ordinary and extraordinary events of our lives. Such a way of being, enables the Resurrected Christ to “easter” in us. It is in the daily rhythm of our own “living and dying” that Christ rises. May we continue to commit ourselves to journey into the “heart of light”, keeping our focus on Jesus, the one who in taking flesh, makes his home with us; and who, “the darkness can never overpower” (John 1:5).


May God bless us with gratitude for the love with which God freely gifts us in Jesus.

May Christ bless us with generosity to offer our lives – our time and energy – for peace, healing, and unity on the earth.

May the Holy Spirit bless us with wonder as we share the joy of Easter rising with all whom we encounter.


Mater Dei will be celebrating our mothers on Friday 3 May with breakfast from 7.45am followed by a whole school liturgy in the hall led by Year 1 students.  All mums are warmly invited to attend.  We are a week earlier than the actual Mothers Day because Year 6 students are on camp the following week and we don’t want any students to miss out on celebrating with their mums.  Don’t forget to send a photo of the mum in your family to Ms Doherty – – by Thursday 2 May. 


Grandparents Day was a wonderful celebration of family connection and love.  We had over 450 grandparents join us for a wet but fun day of activities, morning tea and a whole school liturgy.  Once again, we are very grateful to all families for the food that was shared for morning tea.   Below are some of the many happy photos that were collected throughout the day.


Our Year 6 Spirituality group ran a very successful Caritas Carnival on the last day of last Term.  There was much enjoyment and fun during the morning as we raised money for Caritas through Project Compassion.  This money will be used by Caritas to support people both locally and internationally to help themselves.


On the last day of Term 1, we gathered as a whole school to remember the events in Jesus’ life during Holy Week.  Our Year 6 Spirituality group lead our liturgy with all classes participating in the music throughout the liturgy.  We began Term 2 this week with an Easter liturgy remembering the joy and hope that is offered to us on Easter Sunday and throughout the Easter season.


Today, four of our Year 6 leaders, as part of the Community group, very ably represented Mater Dei at the Mayoral Morning Tea held at the Highfields Cultural Centre.  They joined 50 other schools from the Toowoomba region.  Mayor Geoff McDonald spoke about his personal values and the importance of leadership in any community.  It is great to know that Toowoomba's future is in the hands of many strong prospective leaders.

UPCOMING DATES:            

  • ANZAC Day Liturgy – Wednesday 24 April 10am in the WMC
  • Mothers Day breakfast (from 7.45am) and liturgy (8.45am) – Friday 3 May
  • Parish Family Mass – Sunday 19 May at 9.30am in St Theresa’s Parish Centre (invitation coming soon to all families)

From APRE Week 9


Holy Week is named “Holy” because it is an intense week of re-focusing on the most sacred story of our Christian belief – Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. It is a time of invitation to open a space into the heart and soul of our deepest search for meaning. Who is this Jesus that has changed the world? What does that mean to me? Can I respond to the invitation to deepen my Christian call to also make a difference.

May your celebration of Easter by a rejuvenating and relaxing time filled with family-love, and may the school holidays re-energise everyone ready for Term 2 adventures.


Gracious God, you sent your Son to show us how to live in love and peace with each other. Through your holy Word may we come to know and understand how Jesus teaches us to be people of love and compassion, people of courage and hope, people of kindness and understanding. May our hearts be open to his message. We make this prayer in the name of Jesus, who is love. Amen.


We are eagerly looking forward to welcoming Grandparents Day next Monday 25 March beginning at 8.45am and concluding at 12noon. 

Thank you in advance to families who are able to share a plate for morning tea.  If you name your container, we’ll return it to you straight away. 

If you have a grandparent who hasn’t been able to RSVP, they are still very welcome to join us.  There will be plenty for everyone.


On Thursday 28 March, our last day of term, we will be holding a fun morning of activities on the oval to raise money for Project Compassion.   We are calling it our ‘Caritas Carnival’.  Children are invited to bring along coins of any denomination to participate in 5 different activities run by Year 6 students.  At the completion of the activities, each class will build a coin line with any coins they have left.  The class with the longest coin line, and the coin line with the most money will win a small prize.  All money will be given to Caritas for their Project Compassion appeal supporting people around the world with resources to be able to be self-sufficient. 

UPCOMING DATES:            

  • Grandparents Day Monday 25 March from 8.45am to midday
  • Caritas Carnival Thursday 28 March (last day of Term 1) on the oval from 8.45 to 10.30am (Please bring coins)
  • Holy Week Liturgy Thursday 28 March (last day of Term 1) in the WMC at 11.15am

From APRE Week 7


Today we celebrate all women and their contribution to the world:

All the women who are teachers, lawyers and bus drivers.

All women who are hairdressers, waitresses and actresses.

All women who are politicians, secretaries and social workers.

All women who are ministers, school officers and dentists.

All women who are homemakers, judges and police officers.

All women who are singers, gardeners and writers.

All women who are mothers, daughters and sisters.

All women who love us, nurture us, inspire us and encourage us.


Loving God, you created men and women in your likeness and equal with each other.  As we celebrate International Women’s Day, help us to be amazed, challenged, appreciative, and inspired by the women in our lives especially those who are leaders in our community.

May they continue to be beacons of strength, courage, faith, and hope.  We ask this prayer in Jesus’ name.



We are excitedly planning for our 2024 Grandparents Day which will be held on Monday 25 March.  We will begin in the William Morris Centre (the hall) at 8.45am with an introduction.  Grandparents will then be escorted to the classrooms of their grandchildren for a morning of activities.  We will share morning tea together before a whole school liturgy at 11.15am to complete our time together.

Following the success of last year, we again ask families to bring along a plate of their favourite family food to share for morning tea with our visitors.  Here’s hoping the weather is on our side and we can share morning tea together on the oval.  All families have now received an invitation.  Grandparents are welcome to respond via the link in the email or by phoning the school on ph 46376100.  Any questions, please contact Kathy Doherty at or through the school phone.


A very big thank you to our community who responded so generously today to support our Year 1A (Standard 1A) class at St Jude’s School in Arusha, Tanzania, Africa.  Below are some photos of the colourful school grounds today.

Showing images 1 - 8 of 12


Congratulations to the following students who were awarded Good Samaritan awards at Assembly last week and today – Samara Dyer, Tom Montgomery, Olivia Nairn, Camilla Davey and Narah Weier.  Their photos will be placed on the ‘Good Samaritan Wall’ in the William Morris Centre.


  • Grandparents Day        Monday 25 March from 8.45am to midday
  • Caritas Carnival            Thursday 28 March (last day of Term 1) on the oval from 8.45 to 10.30am
  • Holy Week Liturgy       Thursday 28 March (last day of Term 1) in the WMC at 11.15am