Open Morning

We are excited to invite you to Mater Dei's Open Morning on Tuesday, March 11!

Discover how we can illuminate the range of possibilities for your child.

Join us for an engaging information session, a school tour, and the opportunity to interact with our leadership team and staff.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Please see the attached flyer and register via the link

2025 Term 1 Week 1

School Traffic and Parking

A friendly reminder to all families to obey the road rules during drop off and pick up times, in particular parking along Campbell Street.  We have had several families receive fines from the Toowoomba Regional Council for parking with tyres on the footpath. There is a car that patrols the streets and takes digital images of cars that are parked illegally.

Please be mindful when parking on the street, that your children are able to exit the car in a safe manner, not directly onto the roadway.

We are regularly contacted by locals to express concerns regarding traffic on Curzon, Campbell and Mackenzie Streets during afternoon pick up time.  If you cannot get into the pickup zone, please do not wait on the roadway, do a lap around the block as you are blocking other traffic making their way along Curzon and Campbell Streets.

Please be aware the Bus Zone on Campbell Street is timed 3-4pm.  Do not park in the area at these times.

We have been contacted by the businesses at Mackenzie Row shops to remind our families not to use the available parks unless you are shopping there.

Can we also reiterate that at the pick up and drop off zone, children are required to be able to exit and enter the vehicle by themselves.  If your child is unable to get themselves and their belongings out of the car, parents are to park their vehicle in the carpark and assist your child.

School drop off and pick up times are very busy, please be considerate of our neighbours and other motorists, as well as keeping the safety of our children at the forefront.


Our Campbell St drop off/pick up zone (Polding Place) is designed to keep traffic moving as smoothly and safely as possible. To ensure this is achieved please note the following key points: 

  • The Curzon St frontage and the Campbell St bus stop gate are not supervised drop off zones. Please use Polding Place. 
  • The afternoon pick up zone does not open until 3:05pm.  Please do not wait on the road to enter our driveway.
  • We ask adults not to get out of their car to assist students into or out of the car. If this is necessary, we ask that you park and come and collect your child/ren.  
  • Display a name tag in your car to aid in recognition 
  • Encourage your child/ren to be watching for your car in the afternoon and get in as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your support in keeping our students safe. 


To All Year 1 parents and new families with children in Years 2 -6, if you are intending on using the pick up zone and require a name tag to display on your dash (see image below), please fill out the form below by Friday 7th February.  These will be handed out to students the following week.

Medical conditions and/or consent to administer medication at Mater Dei

While the main role of the school is to provide education, we want to work with you to keep your child healthy and safe. Please inform the school if your child has any medical conditions as well as any changes to medical needs. We require copies of any documentation surrounding your child(s) medical needs such as letter from GP and/or Action Plan.  

For any medication to be administered at school or during school-related activities the medication must be it its original container with intact packaging and our ‘Mater Dei Student Medication Administration Form 2025’ must be completed. This includes common over the counter medication such as ointments, ibuprofen, antihistamines, etc. 

For further information please see our ‘Medication & Medical Conditions at Mater Dei 2024’ document on the parent portal where you will also find a copy of our ‘Mater Dei Student Medication Administration Form 2025’. 

Late arrival / early departure procedure

Our day begins at 8:30am, with teachers marking their rolls at this time.  If children arrive after 8:30am, they are to sign in at the office and then proceed to their classroom.   

If your child needs to leave school early, they are required to sign out at the office with a parent or guardian.

It is a legal requirement for correct roll marking and accurate Attendance Records.

Clothing Pool Opening Hours

Tuesdays 2:30pm-3:30pm

Thursdays 8:00am - 8:30am

Please check the school calendar for any changes

Mobile Phone and Smart Watch Policy

As per Toowoomba Catholic Schools and State Government Policy, students are not able to have access to mobile phones during the school day. If students need to bring a mobile phone to school, it must be handed to the office upon arrival, and collected after the conclusion of the school day. 

Students may have smart watches, however these must have all notifications disabled / be set to school mode. If this is not possible, they are to be treated as a mobile device and handed into the school office.

School Fees

School fees will be emailed to Families from the Mater Dei Accounts email address in the coming weeks, please keep an eye out for this.  You will be notified via the Parent Portal when it is sent, check your spam/junk mail 

Sentral - Parent Portal

We have been made aware of a glitch affecting some of our new users with their 'access key' . If you have had any issues please contact the office to rectify the problem.

End of Year

School Fees

The final statement was emailed to parents on the 26th November, please check your Junk Mail if you have not received this.

School Fees are expected to be paid in full by the end of the school year.

2025 Start of School Dates

Thursday 23rd January 1:30-2:30pm - Meet the Teacher

Thursday 23rd January 12:30-2:30pm - Clothing Pool will be open

Monday 27th January - Australia Day Public Holiday

Tuesday 28th January -Pupil Free Day

Wednesday 29th January - First day of Term 1 for Year 1 to Year 6 

Wednesday 29th January - Prep Staggered Start 8:30am-11:30am

Thursday 30th January - Prep Staggered Start 8:30am-11:30am

Friday 31st January - Prep to Year 6 full school day

Lost Property

The lost property box is overflowing - hoodies, jackets, water bottles, hats, lunchboxes.  Any items left in the box at the end of the year will be donated to the Clothing Pool or thrown out.  Please check the Lost Property Box.

School Dental Service


Dental care, with no out of pocket cost, is offered to all Queensland students from the age of 4 to the completion of Grade 10 through the School Dental Service.  Children aged 0 - 4 years and students in Year 11 -12, may be eligible for treatment if they receive Childhood Dental Benefit Scheme or if they have a current concessional health care card.  The Dental Team consists of a Dentist, Dental Therapists, Oral Health Therapists and Dental Assistants.  You will be advised if your child needs specialist dental treatment.

Students at Mater Dei Primary School are now being offered dental treatment through the School Dental Service at the Toowoomba East Dental Clinic, Mary St East Toowoomba.

If you would like your child/children to participate in the free dental care program, please complete each section of the registration form, sign and return it to the School Office by Friday 15th November 2024. Please note that by signing this form, you are only advising our service of your wish to participate in the dental care program and providing personal information to allow us to contact you. 

Our process for making your child’s first appointment with us has recently changed.  Our first point of contact may be via SMS.  If responding via the Call Centre on 1300 082 662, please choose Option 3 to speak with School Dental Service.

Please remember

Students will be seen at the Toowoomba East Dental Clinic, Mary St East Toowoomba.

  • Parents/Legal Guardians must attend all appointments & must hold a current Medicare Card-please bring this card to the appointment.
  • There are limited appointments available before and after school and most appointments will have to be during school time.
  • Oral Health does not accept any responsibility for transport of the children to and from their appointments.
  • Appointment changes are often advised via SMS. Please read all text messages carefully.

Year 5 Camp - Emu Gully

Our Year 5 students enjoyed three days of fun and mud at Emu Gully Camp - Courage, Endurance, Mateship and Sacrifice. Everyone should sleep well tonight. 

Showing images 1 - 8 of 9

Year 4 Camp - Camp Cooby

The Year 4 class had a fantastic time on camp; hiking, water sliding, damper making, zip lining, night walking and many more amazing activities! 

PJ Playground Reminder

For the safety and well-being of all students and siblings, we kindly remind everyone that the PJ Doyle playground is not to be used before or after school hours by students, or siblings. This policy ensures we can maintain our duty of care effectively. 

Sponsorship / Advertising Opportunity

St Theresa's Parish and Mater Dei Primary School are working together to write the 'Campbell St Catholic Corner' which will be published every three months beginning in November of this year.  We are inviting families to advertise their business in this publication which will be distributed digitally to all school families and in hard copy to parishioners.  It will also be available on the Parish website.  Below is a flyer with further details.  If you are interested or have any questions, please contact David Wilson by phone on 0451131849 or by email  

Summer Uniform Transition

Prep Vision Screening

Lost Property

The Lost Property bins are overflowing with hoodies, jackets, waterbottles, socks etc.  Named items will be returned to the student, unnamed items will be cleaned out and sent to the clothing pool at the end of the term.  If you have missing items, please take the time to have a look in the Lost Property boxes outside the Library.  Items such as glasses, watches, jewellery are kept in the office.

Late Arrivals

With the cold weather here, we all like to stay in bed a little bit longer, but please be mindful that if you are late for school you will need to sign in at the office

The first bell goes at 8:28am, students are to line up and move into class, where the teacher will take the roll.  The 8:30am bell is the start of class. 

School Photos

School photos catchup day is on Tuesday 21/05/2024. Group and portrait photographs can be purchased by following the link below until 31/05/2024, after which late fees/additional charges will be incurred.

2 easy ways to purchase before late fees apply:

  1. Visa, MasterCard or PayPal
  2. Cash - complete the envelope supplied and return it to our photographer on the absentee photo day on Tuesday, 21/05/2024.

Or visit:
And enter online order code: EJ8 374 J4X

School photography information:

  • Online orders - do not require an envelope returned to your school
  • Late fees - a late fee will be applied to each package purchased after 31/05/2024, due to the additional cost of producing these packages separately

Term 2 Week 3

Winter Uniform Changeover

Winter Uniform starts on Monday 13th May. Years 2- 6 students are to be in full winter uniform by this date.  Prep and Year 1 students remain in sports uniform.  Children are free to transition over the coming weeks leading up to the official changeover, taking into account the weather.

Hoodies and Soft Shell Jackets will be available for purchase in the Clothing Pool.

School Photos

School Photo Day is on Monday 13th May 2024

Students are to be in full Winter Uniform. Please follow the link for uniform information 


Orders can be done online or via the envelopes that went home with your student(s) this week. For online ordering (both individual and sibling) please see the attached for directions. 

If needed, there are sibling photo envelopes available from the office.

We will have a catchup day on 21st May for those that aren't present on the photo day.

Prep 2025

If any of our Families have children due to start Prep in 2025 and have not submitted an Enrolment Application or had their Enrolment Interview, please do this ASAP. 

Prep 2025 offers will be sent out in the coming weeks.

Winter Uniform

Winter Uniform Changeover

In Term 2 we changeover to our winter uniform.  Officially this will happen on Monday 13th May.  Children are free to transition over the coming weeks leading up to the official changeover, taking into account the weather.

Hoodies and Soft Shell Jackets will be available for purchase in the Clothing Pool.

School Photos

School Photo Day is on M0nday 13th May 2024.  We will have a catchup day  on 21st May for those that aren't present on the photo day. More information will be sent out via the portal next week in regards to ordering.

We will also be contacting our parents in regards to photo consent for this as well.  More details will follow.

Prep 2025

Our Prep 2025 Enrolment Interviews have started.  If you have a child or know of someone who has a child due to start Prep next year (2025) and haven't filled out an Enrolment Application please do so ASAP.

Whooping Cough (pertussis)

We have been made aware there has been an increased number of whoooping cough cases in our community.  Please see the link for information about whooping cough.

The Chronicle Prep Photos

School Fees

Reminder: School Fees have been emailed to parents, if you have not received this please phone the office. 

If you are wanting the 3% discount on your school fees, they must be paid by the end of Term 1.

BPAY is now available as a Payment Option, please click on this link for details.

School Fees

School Fees have been emailed out this week to our families.  If you have not received these, please contact the office.

School Zone Advice from Department of Transport and Main Roads