Term 4 Week 9
Junior Swimming Carnival
The Junior Swimming Carnival for Prep – Year 3 students will be held on the Monday of week 10 the 2nd of December at the Fairholme pool. I want to thank all the parents that have nominated their students into events on the day and contacted me regarding any questions around nominating. If you have not already done so, please ensure you have given permission for your student to attend via the parent portal even if they are not swimming on the day. A reminder also that students need to be able to change out of their swimmers into their uniform independently, please work on this if your student can’t do this. The final copy of the program was sent out via the parent portal on Friday. I am looking forward to a great day on Monday.
Senior Swimming Carnival 2025 (students born in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 only)
This carnival will be held at Milne Bay on Friday 31st of January (week 1) next year. Nomination forms were due back at the end of Week 9, if you have not already done this please send them back as soon as possible.
Students currently in Year 2 born in 2016 only need to nominate if they are competent in completing their chosen event, students not swimming will not attend the carnival in 2025. Please still complete the relevant section of the nomination form if your student is not swimming so that this can be recorded for supervising purposes at school.
Please contact me danielle.king@twb.catholic.edu.au if you have any questions regarding this nomination process.
Representative Sport
We wish Gemma Montgomery the best of luck in her upcoming participation as part of the DD team at the State Championships for Cricket at the end of this term.
Term 4 Week 7
Junior Swimming Carnival
The Junior Swimming Carnival for Prep – Year 3 students will be held on the Monday of week 10 the 2nd of December at the Fairholme pool. I want to thank all the parents that have nominated their students into events on the day and contacted me regarding any questions around nominating. If you have not already done so, please ensure you have given permission for your student to attend via the parent portal even if they are not swimming on the day. A reminder also that students need to be able to change out of their swimmers into their uniform independently, please work on this if your student can’t do this. Further information regarding the schedule for the day will be sent out via the parent portal at the end of week 8 in preparation for our carnival in week 10.
Senior Swimming Carnival 2025 (students born in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 only)
This carnival will be held at Milne Bay on Friday 31st of January (week 1) next year. Nomination forms were sent home last week with your students to complete and return to their class teacher by Friday 29th of November.
Please remember the following notes when nominating:
- Students can swim in either a 50m or 25m event in each stroke – up to 4 events in total. A combination of 25m and 50m events across the strokes is fine. E.g. 50m Freestyle, 25m Breaststroke, 50m Backstroke and 25m Butterfly.
- Students who wish to be considered for age champion or selected in the school team must swim in the championship 50m events in each stroke (sometimes students in the regular 50m events with times that meet the selection criteria will also be selected).
- Students currently in Year 2 born in 2016 only need to nominate if they are competent in completing their chosen event, students not swimming will not attend the carnival in 2025. Please still complete the relevant section of the nomination form if your student is not swimming so that this can be recorded for supervising purposes at school.
Please contact me danielle.king@twb.catholic.edu.au if you have any questions regarding this nomination process.
Queensland Primary All School Carnival
On the 2nd and 3rd of November our six school touch football teams competed at the Queensland Primary All Schools carnival held in Redlands. These teams all did extremely well competing against schools from all over Queensland on the weekend. The students that attended made Mater Dei proud by the way they went about playing their games and showing great sportsmanship win or lose. I wanted to say a big thanks to all the parents that made this opportunity possible for their students by giving up their time to take them away for the weekend. Thanks again go to all the coaches – Aleisha Wilson, Romy Wilson, Sophie Head, Jodie May and Jake Laing. Congratulations to all students who attended!
Aussie Hoops
This is just a reminder to the families that have signed their students up for Aussie Hoops this term that it is still currently running, and our last session will be on Wednesday week 9. We were missing a number of students this week and wanted to make sure all parents were aware that the program has not yet finished and to remind students signed up to attend.
Term 4 Week 5
Junior Swimming Carnival
The Junior Swimming Carnival for Prep – Year 3 students will be held on the Monday of week 10 the 2nd of December at the Fairholme pool. Nominations are due by Monday 4th of November to your child's classroom teacher. If you have not already returned your nomination form can this please be returned asap. Even if your student will not be swimming on the day, can you please return the form stating this or email me directly at Danielle.King@twb.catholic.edu.au Permission to attend the carnival will be sent out via the parent portal over the next week, please ensure you give permission for your child to attend, even if they are not swimming.
Senior Swimming Carnival 2025 (students born in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 only)
This carnival will be held at Milne Bay on Friday 31st of January (week 1) next year. Nomination forms will be sent home next week with your students to complete and return to their class teacher by Friday 29th of November.
Please remember the following notes when nominating:
- Students can swim in either a 50m or 25m event in each stroke – up to 4 events in total. A combination of 25m and 50m events across the strokes is fine. E.g. 50m Freestyle, 25m Breaststroke, 50m Backstroke and 25m Butterfly.
- Students who wish to be considered for age champion or selected in the school team must swim in the championship 50m events in each stroke (sometimes students in the regular 50m events with times that meet the selection criteria will also be selected).
- Students currently in Year 2 born in 2016 only need to nominate if they are competent in completing their chosen event, students not swimming will not attend the carnival in 2025. Please still complete the relevant section of the nomination form if your student is not swimming so that this can be recorded for supervising purposes at school.
Please contact me danielle.king@twb.catholic.edu.au if you have any questions regarding this nomination process.
Queensland Primary All School Carnival
This weekend we will have six teams competing at the Redlands touch grounds in the Queensland Primary All Schools Carnival. This is a great opportunity for these students to attend a large carnival playing against schools from all over Queensland – not just Toowoomba. They have been training very hard for this competition improving on their confidence and skills in the game of touch football. All teams have been showing great enthusiasm and team spirit at our trainings and we wish them the best of luck this weekend at the carnival!
Term 4 Week 3
Junior Swimming Carnival
The Junior Swimming Carnival for Prep – Year 3 students will be held on the Monday of week 10 the 2nd of December at the Fairholme pool. An information note about the carnival and how to nominate your student for events will be handed out to students in week 2. Please ensure you read the note carefully and complete the nomination section at the bottom of the note. This nomination section is to be cut off and returned to your students’ classroom teacher no later than Monday 4th of November. Please look out for the parent portal activity that will come out in the coming weeks to give permission for your student to attend. Permission still needs to be given if your student is not swimming on the day.
Junior Swimming Carnival Swimming Assistants
Every year I put the call out for older siblings that have finished school already for the year that would like to come back to assist at our junior swimming carnival. These students will join us for the day at the carnival and assist in the pool with our younger students and any students that don't feel 100% confident to be in the pool without help. Can you please let me know these names before the carnival so that I can put this into my planning. Thanks in advance.
SWQ Primary All Schools Touch Carnival
Last Sunday a number of Year 5 & 6 students competed in the SWQ All Schools Touch Competition at Kearney Springs. All the teams that competed played their hearts out showing fantastic skill and perseverance during their games! These students should be extremely proud of their efforts throughout the day. Many thanks to Aleisha Wilson, Romy Wilson and Sophie Head for coaching the teams, both before and at the carnival. Thanks also to the parents who attended the carnival to support their students on the day. These students along with our junior teams will travel to Redlands for the Queensland Primary All Schools Touch Carnival on 3 – 5 November, we wish them the best of luck at their next competition!
Darling Downs Cricket
Congratulations to Layla McLoughlin, Lillian Brown, Gemma Montgomery and Imogen Slader for their selection in the Darling Downs Girls Cricket team that were competing this week. A further congratulations to Gemma for her selection in the Queensland team. What an achievement, well done girls.
Term 4 Week 1
Sport Trophies
Please return all senior and junior swimming trophies and any other trophies held by current year 6 students from the athletics and cross country carnivals by the end of week Two (Friday 11th of October).
Aussie Hoops
Pop Dickerson from Aussie Hoops will again be conducting basketball clinics during our PE classes this week for students in years 1 - 6. The Aussie Hoops program will again be run this term, please look out for the flyer that will come home when students complete their lesson with coach Pop.
Touch Football
Each year our year 5 and 6 students as part of our Mater Dei All Schools Touch Football teams compete at the Southwest Queensland Primary All Schools Carnival. This year we will have three teams competing next Sunday, 13th of October at Kearney’s Springs. We wish all these students' good luck at this carnival.
Junior Swimming Carnival
The Junior Swimming Carnival for Prep – Year 3 students will be held on the Monday of week 10 the 2nd of December at the Fairholme pool. An information note about the carnival and how to nominate your student for events will be handed out to students in week 2. Please ensure you read the note carefully and complete the nomination section at the bottom of the note. This nomination section is to be cut off and returned to your students’ classroom teacher no later than Monday 4th of November. Please look out for the parent portal activity that will come out in the coming weeks to give permission for your student to attend. Permission still needs to be given if your student is not swimming on the day.
Learn to Orienteer
Please find attached a flyer about an upcoming learn to orienteer event. Students in years 5 and 6 completed a unit on orienteering last year and year 4 are starting orienteering this term.
Term 3 Week 9
Year 4 Touch Football Gala Day
Students in Year 4 will be attending the Catholic Schools Touch Football Gala Day next Tuesday 10th of September, please ensure that you have given permission for this event via the Parent Portal. Students will be transported to and from the grounds via bus, please ensure students have their hats, sunscreen, plenty of water and food for the day.
Reminder: There will be no tuckshop on this day for year 4 students as they will not be present at school for the break times.
Year 6 Dance Night
Information regarding the Year 6 dance night has been sent home in preparation for the event next Thursday 12th of September. Please ensure you have returned your attendance slip at the bottom of that note and we look forward to a great night of dancing.
Year 5 & 6 Friday Interschool Sport
Congratulations to all students involved in the Friday interschool sport program this term. All students have enjoyed their time playing against other schools and learning some new sporting skills.
Year 2 Swimming Assessment
Swimming is a major component of our PE Curriculum in Year 3. In preparation for next year, all students in Year 2 normally would be assessed in term 4, however, as our swimming program now starts later in the year this will now occur when they are in year 3.
Swimming Trophies
If your student received a swimming trophy at the junior swimming carnival in Term 4 2023 or at the senior swimming carnival in Term 1 of 2024, can these please be returned to the office or to Miss King as soon as possible. Any students in Year 6 that also have trophies from the cross country, 800m or the athletics carnivals can these also be returned.
DD Athletics
Congratulations to Lil Brown (shot put), Bailey Duggan (100m, 200m and 100m relay) and Emily Longmire (high jump) for being selected as part of the DD athletics team to attend the State Championships later in the year. We wish them the best of luck at their next competition.
Term 3 Week 7
Year 4 Touch Football Gala Day
The students from Year 4 will be competing in the Catholic Schools Touch Football Gala Day to be played at Kearney's Spring Touch Football Grounds, cnr Ruthven & Spring Sts on Tuesday 10th of September. Further information will be sent via the Parent Portal in week 8, please ensure you give permission on there for your student to attend. If you are available to assist with a team on the day, your help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact your class teacher or email me on Danielle.King@twb.catholic.edu.au
Year 6 Dance
The students have completed two lessons of their dance and are already doing a great job at remembering their moves from each week. Below is further information relating to the upcoming dance night at the end of the term. A hard copy of this information will be sent out in week 8 for you to return your attendance slip at the bottom.
Details of the night are listed below:
Date: Thursday 12th September 2024
Time: 5:45 pm – 8:00pm
Venue: WMC
Dress: Smart casual dress code for the night
5:45 pm: Drop children off at the WMC to prepare for a 6:00 pm start.
6:00 pm – 6:30 pm: Dancing (students only). Parents will gather in the staff room for drinks and nibbles, BYO drinks.
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm approx: Parents return to the hall to dance with their child for the remainder of the evening. As this is a special Year 6 event, siblings are not invited.
7:30 pm – 8:00 pm: Supper
Swans Schools Cup
Congratulations to our boys and girls touch teams who competed in the Swans Schools Cup over the last 6 weeks. Both teams played in the finals on Monday this week with the girls coming runners up and 2nd overall for the competition and the boys won their 3 v 4 play off finishing 3rd overall in their competition. These students will continue their training working towards our next competition in October.
Term 3 Week 5
Year 6 Dance
Year 6 will start their dance lessons with Peter Vernon from Muzic4u next week and will continue these lessons through to the end of the term. The students will participate in a culminating dance night at the end of the term – Thursday 12th of September. An information letter with the details of the night will go home via the parent portal at the end of next week.
Range Zone Athletics
We had a large number of students attend the Range Zone Athletics on Monday 5th of August at O’Quinn Street Oval. The students should be commended on their behaviour and their show of sportsmanship throughout the day. It was great to see the students cheering on fellow peers when they were competing and congratulating them on their return. Congratulations to all of the students that competed! Good luck to the following students who were selected to be part of the Range Zone team and compete for a place in the DD Athletics team next week: Lillian Brown, Edward MacManus, Emily Longmire, Bailey Duggan, Zara Robertson and Reggie Mansfield. We wish these students good luck at their next carnival.
Visiting Coaches
This term we have had a number of visiting coaches come to Mater Dei and run sessions with our students. The students involved have learnt new skills and had a great time whilst doing it. All students from Prep to Year 6 were visited by the AFL Auskick coaches, the years 5 students were visited by a Futsal instructor and the years 4 - 6 students participated in touch football sessions with a development officer from Queensland Touch. Next week students in years 1, 2 and 5 will be participating in Aussie Tee-ball sessions. We thank all these coaches who gave up time to come and run these sessions, the students have greatly appreciated and enjoyed the lessons.
Year 4 Touch Gala Day
The Year 4 students will be participating in the Catholic Schools Touch Football Gala Day at Kearney’s Spring on Tuesday 10th of September (Week 10). An information note will be attached to the activity that will be sent out via the parent portal within the coming weeks. Please ensure you read this note and give permission for your student to attend via the parent portal. If you can assist on the day with a team please let me know via my email Danielle.King@twb.catholic.edu.au
Term 3 Week 3
Friday Interschool Sport
Years 5 & 6 will start their sports next Friday, once I get draws from the convenors of these sports I will pass this onto parents. Please make sure your students has permission via the parent portal and they have any required safety equipment listed in the information provided.
Catholic Netball & Touch Carnivals
As part of Catholic Education Week celebrations the students from Years 5 & 6 participated in touch football and netball carnivals on Thursday 25th July. All students involved had a great day developing and learning new skills involved in these two sports. Thanks to all the teachers involved and to the parents (Rachel Cubby, Carmen Brown and Felicity Rickuss) that gave up their day to assist, it helped make the day run smoothly getting teams to their games on time during the day. Congratulations to one of our year 5 girls teams that won their grand final on the day.
Year 3 Swimming
Remember to ensure your child’s clothing (underwear and socks included) are labelled with their name to ensure if any clothing is misplaced it can be returned to its home.
Range Zone Athletics
A number of Mater Dei students selected from our school athletics carnival that was conducted at the end of term 2 will be competing at the Range Zone Athletics Carnival held on the 5th of August. We wish all these students luck as they compete to gain position into the Range team to compete for DD selection.
Term 3 Week 1
Catholic Athletics
Congratulations to all of the students who attended the Catholic Athletics carnival on Friday the 14th of July. All students competed extremely well and showed everyone the Mater Dei spirit.
Year 4 Touch Gala Day
Year 4 students will participate in a Touch Football Gala day being held on Tuesday of Week 10. Please look out for more information and the permission to attend that will be published via the parent portal later in the term.
AFL Auskick
During week 1 and 2 this term all students from Prep – Year 6 will participate in AFL Auskick sessions during their allocated PE time. These sessions are always fun and get the students excited for the Auskick program that will be run after schools on Wednesday afternoons. Students will be given a flyer after their session which will have information about how to register and sign up.
Representative Sport
Congratulations to the boys that competed at the DD Rugby League over the holidays, I have been told that they participated really well during their games at the state carnival. Congratulations also go to all of our Mater Dei students that went away over the holidays for the Junior State Cup carnival for touch football, I have head great reports from the students that attended.
Term 2 Week 9
Athletics Carnival
Thanks to the many spectators who joined the students from Prep to Year 6 on the oval on Friday 14th of June as they ran, jumped and threw against their peers in the annual athletics carnival. Special thanks to the parents that organised the bake sale and the coffee van that were available for all to utilise on the day. Congratulations to the age champions for the day, please see below the list of age champions from the carnival.
5 Years Boys | Blake Stower | 5 Years Girls | Grace Palmer |
6 Years Boys | Tommy Dau | 6 Years Girls | Savannah Bennett-Walker |
7 Years Boys | Charlie May | 7 Years Girls | Sally Palmer |
8 Years Boys | Maru Jee | 8 Years Girls | Lily Herbert |
9 Years Boys | Reggie Mansfield | 9 Years Girls | Poppy Johnston |
10 Years Boys | Thomas Mills | 10 Years Girls | Grace Bradshaw |
11 Years Boys | Oscar Rickuss | 11 Years Girls | Emily Longmire |
12 Years Boys | Edward MacManus | 12 Years Girls | Lillian Brown |
Cartwright Trophy | Bailey Duggan | Team Aggregate | McDonnell |
Spirit Trophy | Carroll |
Representative sport
Congratulations to Eddie MacManus, Archer Ehrlich and Lewis Mackie for being selected in the DD Rugby Union team to compete at the State Championships in July. We wish them the best of luck at this carnival.
Congratulations to Gemma Montgomery who recently competed at the State Championships for touch football in Rockhampton as part of the DD team. The DD team came fourth in the competition which is a fantastic achievement for herself and her peers in the team.
If your student has been selected into representative teams or is excelling in sport outside of school, I would love to hear about it and acknowledge these efforts. Please pass on any of these achievements to me via email.
Term 2 Week 7
Athletics Carnival
The Mater Dei Athletics carnival will be held on Friday the 14th of June on our school oval. All students from Prep to Year 6 will be participating in this carnival. Students from Prep to under 9 (students born 2019 – 2016) will participate in a tabloids program made up of modified athletics activities along with their sprint event. These students will have morning tea and lunch at the same time as usual, with their events concluding before lunch. Students 9 years and older will compete in their field events, 100m sprint and 200m race. Information about the procedures for the day, the map of the event locations and the schedule was sent via the parent portal earlier this week.
Year 3 Swimming
The year 3 swimming program will be starting in week 1 of term 3, these lessons will occur on a Thursday as per their usual PE day. Further detailed information about the times the classes will swim and what needs to be brought for swimming lessons will be sent out before the end of term.
Term 2 Week 5
Athletics Carnival
With our athletics carnival approaching on Friday of week 9 – 14th of June, I am looking for any parents that might be able to volunteer some time on the day to help with assisting teachers in measuring our field events on the day. You don’t need to volunteer all day, it could be as little as 30 minutes or longer for 1 or 2 hours in the morning or afternoon. If you can assist please email me Danielle.King@twb.catholic.edu.au within the next two weeks and let me know if you can assist and how long you would can assist for.
Further information about the schedule and the structure of the day will be sent out to parents at the end of week 7.
Term 2 Week 3
Cross Country
30 students competed in the Range Zone Cross Country Trials at Kearneys Spring on Friday 28th of April. It was pleasing to see the team spirit and persistence of the students that competed. Congratulations to Grace Bradshaw and Lacey James who were selected to attend the DD trials.
Representative Sport
We have had a number of students compete in different levels of representative sport for Toowoomba, we congratulate the following students for their outstanding achievements in their respective sports. If your student is selected into representative teams from school trials, please contact me with those details, as we love to acknowledge and celebrate these achievements as team lists are not often passed onto the school after selection.
- Hunter Dowling, Bailey Duggan and Oscar Rickuss (Rugby League): participated in the DD carnival and were selected to attend the state championships held over the June.
- Gemma Montgomery (Touch Football): was selected to be part of the DD team that will participate in the State Championships in June.
- Everett Davenport (Golf): was selected to be part of the DD team and will participate in the state championships at the end of May.
Term 2 Week 1
Athletics Trophies
If you currently have an athletics trophy from our carnival in 2023 at home, can you please return this by the end of week 2 (26th of April).
Range Cross Country
Good luck to our Mater Dei team heading to the Range Zone Cross Country carnival on Friday 26th of April at Kearney’s Spring.
Athletics Carnival
Make sure you add our Athletics Carnival date – Friday 14th of June to your calendars. We are looking forward to a great day of athletics to culminate our learning of the different athletics skills in PE lessons this term. Further information about the format of the day and the schedule will be released closer to the carnival date.
Discus Consent forms (year 3 and any new students in year 4 - 6)
Shortly you will receive a discus consent form to complete and return to your classroom teacher by Friday 9th of May. This is a workplace health and safety requirement due to discus being a high-risk sport, without this consent students will be unable to participate in the discus lessons planned and participate in discus at the athletics carnival.
Rugby Union
I love it when I hear about our students' sporting achievement outside of school and would like to congratulate a number of students that I have been informed participated in The Armidale School Rugby Union Carnival last weekend. Eddie MacManus, Cooper Philp, Lewis Mackie, Charlie Bradshaw and Archer Ehrlich all participated at this carnival with their local teams and did extremely well playing large schools such as Scots College Sydney, Nudgee and Padua College. Congratulations boys and keep up your great work in this area.
It is great to hear what our students are achieving in the different sporting arenas, if your student is excelling in a sport outside of school, I would love to hear about it and to congratulate them for their efforts. Please feel free to email me at Danielle.King@twb.catholic.edu.au
Term 1 Week 9
Cross Country
Congratulations to all of the students involved in our cross country carnival last Friday, it was a privilege to witness the many displays of great sportsmanship and determination as the students competed over the 1, 2 & 3km distances. Congratulations to the following students who were awarded age champion: Charles Angus, Lucy Rickuss, James Primus, Lacey James, Bailey Duggan, Emily Longmire, Jake Robertson, Adelaide Wilson and Archer Pennell was also awarded the Encouragement Trophy. The winning house for the day was McDonnell, Congratulations! Charles Angus was our only record breaker for the day, great work! Special thanks to the parents who willingly gave their time to ‘man’ a checkpoint, we can’t conduct this carnival without your very kind assistance.
Athletics Trophies
If you currently have an athletics trophy from our carnival in 2023 at home, can you please start sending these back into school in preparation for our carnival next term. I need all trophies returned by the end of week 1 next term.
T-Ball Gala Day
Next Tuesday the 26th of March our Year 4 students will be travelling out to Kearney’s Springs to participate in the Catholic Schools T-Ball Gala Day. Information about the day has already been sent out via the parent portal. Please ensure you have read this information and you have given permission for your student to attend. We are looking forward to a great day of T-Ball next week!
Term 1 Week 7
Darling Downs Swimming Championships
Last week a number of our students competed for Range Zone at the Darling Downs Swimming Championships in Gatton. Our swimmers enjoyed the experience and produced some great results. Congratulations to Jake Robertson and Zara Robertson who were selected in the DD team to compete at the State Titles in Brisbane. Good luck!
Fun Run/800m
The Fun Run/800m carnival (prep to year 6 students) will be held on the school oval on Friday 22nd March. Please see the attached note for the schedule of the morning's events.
Cross Country
The Cross Country Carnival (9-12 years) will be held next Friday 15th March at Queen’s Park. A map of the running track will be sent via the parent portal and can be seen below, we will be using the same track as last year. Thanks to all the parents that have already given permission for their student to attend this carnival, if you have not done so please complete this task no later than Wednesday 13th of March. Students not intending on running at the carnival still require permission to leave the school grounds to walk to Queen’s Park.
We are still looking for parent volunteers to assist with the Cross Country. If you are able to spare a little time that day please email me danielle.king@twb.catholic.edu.au
Year 4 T-Ball Gala Day
The Year 4 students will be attending the Catholic Schools T-Ball Gala Day on Tuesday 26th March to participate in round robin games against other Catholic schools in our diocese. This is a great opportunity for our students to learn a new sporting skill and interact with students from around our diocese. Information regarding this carnival was sent out this week via the parent portal – please ensure you have given consent for your student to attend and read the information note.
We are still looking for some parent volunteers to help assist on the day, if you are available please contact me via email so I can arrange this.
Term 1 Week 5
Congratulations to the students who represented Mater Dei at the Range Zone swimming carnival so successfully. The following students gained selection in the Range team to compete at the Darling Downs Trials in Gatton on Wednesday 28th of Feb. We wish you all the best of luck.
- Penny Egan
- Cooper Howse
- Eden Cubby
- Poppy Johnston
- Adelaide Wilson
- John MacManus
- Zara Robertson
- Jake Robertson
Cross Country
The Cross Country (for 9-12 year old students) will be held on Friday 15th March at Queen’s Park. A map of the running track and further information about the carnival will be sent out closer to the date. A Sentral activity to grant permission for your students to attend the carnival and leave the school grounds will be pushed out next week for you to complete. We still require permission for your student to attend even if they will not be running on the day. If you can assist with the cross country on the 15th of March, could you please email me directly on Danielle.King@twb.catholic.edu.au
Fun Run/800m
The Fun Run/800m carnival (prep to year 6 students) will be held on the school oval on Friday 22nd March. More information and the schedule for the day will be sent out closer to the date.
Term 1 Week 3
All information regarding sport at both Mater Dei & Toowoomba Zone levels will be distributed to the parent body via the Parent Portal and our Latest News.
Congratulations to all the students who attended and competed at our senior swimming carnival in week 2. It was a great day with lots of fantastic swimming and team spirit being shown. Thanks to all the parents that attended on the day, it is always great to see you supporting your students. Congratulations to the students listed below that were awarded age champions on the day. Congratulations also to our record breakers on the day – Jake Robertson 12 year old freestyle and butterfly, Zara Robertson 10 year old butterfly and Poppy Johnston 9 year old backstroke. Good luck to our selected students representing Mater Dei at the Catholic School Swimming Carnival on February 9th and the Range Zone Swimming Carnival on February 12th.
Boys | Girls | |
9 Years | Poppy Johnston | Johnny MacManus |
10 years | Zara Robertson | Owen Duffus |
11 years | Eden Cubby | Oscar Rickuss |
12 years | Adelaide Wilson | Jake Robertson |
Fastest Swimmer in the School | Jake Robertson | |
Champion House and Spirit Award | Malone |
2024 Term 1 Week 1 - Sport
All information regarding sport at both Mater Dei & Toowoomba Zone levels will be distributed to the parent body via email or the Parent Portal. Please monitor these regularly, particularly when there are upcoming carnivals. Please find attached the 2024 sport save the date.
Cross Country Trophies
If your student has one of our cross country trophies from 2023, can you please send them back to school before the end of week 3.
Mater Dei Swimming Carnival
The sporting year kicks off next Tuesday 30th of January with the swimming carnival at Milne Bay for students born 2012 – 2015. All students from years 4 – 6 will attend the carnival for the day and the year 3 students born in 2015 who are swimming will also attend. The final program will be sent via the Parent Portal on Monday afternoon. Please remember that this is a school day and students should remain at the carnival for the day, students will be bussed to and from school. There should be no tuckshop orders made for students attending the carnival on the day. Make sure that you have given permission via the parent portal for your student to attend (even if they are not swimming).
Year 3 Mater Dei Swimming Program
The swimming program offered at Mater Dei is very comprehensive and fulfills all criteria set out by the Government. The year 3 students receive weekly lessons, incorporating learn to swim, survival swimming and stroke improvement held at Fairholme. At this stage, information from Fairholme is that Swimming for year 3 will begin in term 3, information and dates for the year will be sent out later during term 2.
Representative Sport
Students born 2012, 2013 & 2014 are eligible to trial for Toowoomba Zone teams to attend Darling Downs trials. This is generally for team sports with a few exceptions (e.g. golf, orienteering). The application form and further information was sent via the parent portal earlier this week. You can complete your student's nomination either via the Microsoft Teams form (link below), print at home and return the nominations form or request a hard copy to be sent home with your student. These nominations are to be returned no later than the end of week 3. Please read the age and selection criteria carefully before nominating your child.
In term 4 in 2023, our year 4 and 5 students tried a new sport through our PE lessons, which was orienteering. Our students had a great time experiencing a new sport that many of them had never heard of before. Please see the attached flyer about some upcoming introductory sessions to orienteering that your students may be interested in attending.